into the triangle: a weekend in bermuda.

this summer, i made it a major point to really slow down, enjoy the summer and find some time to [relax] for a change. i’m proud to say that i’ve done just that. my travel itinerary over the past few months has been wild—berlin, the bahamas, st. lucia, costa rica—and this past weekend, i hopped on a quick flight (it’s only an hour and half from new york!) to bermuda for an amazing stay at the hamilton princess. while I spent a few hours shooting, i definitely chilled out the rest of the visit. oh, and igee + ryan were there to keep me company. check out some of my favorite shots from the trip. -j


our time on the property was wonderful. my room was huge—equipped with a full living room, patio, and bathtub (not to mention, grooming goodies from le labo). each of the three restaurants we ate at had my taste buds exploding. the staff at the gold lounge was super friendly (plus, they gave us the rundown on what was popping off around the island throughout the weekend). and my very favorite thing about the property: the art collection. they had the most impressive collection of contemporary masterpieces, from warhols to the huge KAWS statue i shot in front of in the pic below. i felt like i was staying at the MOMA.


lastly, we took some time to hang out at the property’s private beach a few miles away. from lounging in hammocks on the water to checking out the critters that live in the cove, it was probably my favorite experience on the island. i love the shots i got with my tripod, check ‘em out.


you can learn more about the property here.

[fyi: this post and trip was sponsored by the hamilton princess. big thanks to their team for having us out].

[take me to málaga]: a visual travel diary.

so, i really needed a day or two to just sit around and do nothing. like, for real... just relax. and honestly, there may be no better place to do that than in málaga, a small port city on the southern coast of spain. charming in how laidback and completely spanish the culture is, it's the perfect place to slow down and get lost.

all that i had on my agenda: relax.